Embracing this More Charismatic Version of You
Are you ready to embrace your dark feminine energy and unlock your true feminine attraction? Join us in this masterclass and step into your most sumptuous feminine self. Let your journey of self-discovery begin today!
Discover Ancient Feminine Wisdom: Unveil the secrets of dark feminine energy and learn to celebrate this powerful force within you… Deepen your emotional intelligence and self-confidence.
Explore Six Captivating Archetypes: Identify and embody the unique qualities that make you a one-of-a-kind woman... Enhance your grace and authentic self-expression.
Transform Your Life: Embrace luxurious opulence and magnetic allure, enriching your experiences and captivating those around you... Transform your life into one of luxurious opulence.
Create a Ripple Effect: Inspire and empower others with your magical presence, becoming a beacon of authenticity and allure... Magnetically attract admiration and empowerment from others.
Unlock Your True Feminine Attraction: Become the muse you were always meant to be, living a life of profound influence and admiration... Inspire others to reach new heights with your enchanting energy.
Course curriculum
Seductive Dark Energy Feminine Archetypes Masterclass Introduction
Dark Feminine Energy Archetypes Introduction Worksheet
Dark Feminine Energy Archetypes Introduction Questions
Your Lesson Takeaway (Be sure to email your answers to Ms. Sofia)
Be Sure to Email All of Your Quiz Results to Me
Who is Your Dark Feminine Energy Archetype? Quizzes
Wealthy Wife®'s Dark Feminine Energy Archetype Quiz 1
Wealthy Wife®'s Dark Feminine Energy Archetype Quiz #2
Wealthy Wife®'s Dark Feminine Energy Archetype Quiz 3
Wealthy Wife®'s Dark Feminine Energy Archetype Quiz 4
Wealthy Wife®'s Dark Feminine Energy Archetype Quiz 5
Wealthy Wife®'s Dark Feminine Energy Archetype Quiz 6
Submit Your Quiz Results with This Assignment
Coquette Archetype Explanation & More
Coquette Archetype Worksheet
A Few More Questions to Assist You (Coquette)
Your Lesson Takeaway (Be Sure to Email Your Answers to Me)
Enigma Archetype Explanation
Enigma Archetype Exploration Worksheet
Enigma Archetype Exploration Questions
Your Lesson Takeaway (Be sure to email your answers to Ms. Sofia)
Siren Archetype Explanation
The Siren Archetype Exploration Worksheet
The Siren Archetype Exploration Questions
Your Lesson Takeaway (Be sure to email your answers to Ms. Sofia)
Femme Fatale Archetype Explanation & More
Femme Fatale Archetype Exploration Worksheet
Femme Fatale Archetype Exploration Questions
Your Lesson Takeaway (Be sure to email your answers to Ms. Sofia)

About this course
- $400.00
- 37 lessons
- 0 hours of video content
Welcome to the world of Wealthy Wife® and our sexiest opportunity to become a Muse. A woman whose authenticity rules the world (Her world)!
Enchanting Opportunity... Which dark feminine energy will be your main archetype? Are you a Coquette, Enigma, Siren, Femme Fatale, Domme, or Dark Goddess? Enroll today & dive into this informative & positive life changing information. You will learn how to incorporate this powerful feminine wisdom to enhance your desires & dreams. Plus, learn how to live your life as a Wealthy Wife® Muse.
This course features Wealthy Wife®'s 6 Dark Feminine Energy Archetypes: Coquette, Enigma, Siren. Femme Fatale, Domme, & Dark Goddess
The lessons have been created to help each Wealthy Wife® goddaughter learn how to show up as her most potent and powerful self. The version of her who is beautiful, confident, playful, sexy, and ready to conquer the world.
Your lessons will include homework questions and worksheets customized for each individual dark feminine energy archetype. This way you will be able to incorporate specific information for the archetype which best matches you. Plus, you will have the opportunity to learn about the additional archetypes and utilize their information too.
As an active online academy student you will also have access to up to 2 live calls with the goddaughters and Ms. Sofia for questions and answers plus, so much more.